Showing Tag: "forex trading" (Show all posts)

Forex trading - How to avoid common mistakes

Posted by Editor on Tuesday, June 22, 2010, In : Forex trading 
Thе global forex market offers many opportunities fοr investors аnԁ traders tο mаkе maximum profits οn thеіr trading investments, both via spread betting and other platforms. Hοwеνеr, thеrе hаνе bееn plenty οf people whο hаνе bееn tοο еаɡеr tο jump іntο thе business without knowing thе mοѕt common pitfalls, resulting іn large losses. If уου аrе starting out a career іn forex trading, read οn tο find out thе mistakes thаt уου need tο avoi...
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Automated forex trading robot

Posted by Editor on Tuesday, February 16, 2010, In : Forex trading 

There are a lot of forex robots available in market and the most famous one is forex mega droid. It is designed for all categories of market environments. The performances of the forex robots are very good since they can analyze the market trends from the past and present market data. The facts about forex robots are very clear and and they can make good profits. This is underestimated and we should always take our final decisions in deciding the process when deciding our purchase decisions. ...

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Mobile forex trading

Posted by Editor on Tuesday, February 16, 2010, In : Forex trading 
The new mobile forex trading version of allows customers to easily access real-time market information, trade forex and manage their accounts via their mobile devices. The site has been optimized for smartphones and other popular web-enabled mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPod Touch, Android and Palm Pre.

“At, our mission is to empower traders by providing them with the best in class tools and resources they need to be successful. Now, we’ve also made it easier for ...
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New trading DVD by Todd Gordon

Posted by Redaktionen on Sunday, January 25, 2009, In : Forex trading 
Acclaimed Gain Capital Group and forex trader Todd Gordon has released a new DVD, Forex Trading Using Fibonacci and Elliott Wave, with publisher Marketplace Books. During his 90-minute seminar, Gordon will show you how to successfully use his favorite tools to conquer the forex markets. His system F.E.W.L. stands for Fibonacci Elliott Wave Levels-Todd’s preferred method for taking profit from the markets, even during the most volatile of times.

And with stores closing, companies laying off...
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Easy-Forex beaten as the number one forex trading provider

Posted by Editor on Sunday, December 14, 2008, In : Forex trading 
The revolutionary forex trading platform eToro is now officially the leading forex service provider, according to November’s Alexa rankings. eToro's innovative and user friendly approach to forex trading have catapulted it miles ahead of the compet

Forex trading is an incredibly competitive field, and as in any industry on the rise, innovation pays off. eToro's technology is a perfect embodiment of its radical approach to the forex trading industry. The platform literally transforms conventi...
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Visual trading platform makes a splash

Posted by Editor on Monday, December 8, 2008, In : Forex trading 
eToro's new visual trading platform makes a splash in the world of online forex

eToro's groundbreaking visual software presents a new approach to forex trading. Innovative visualization and adjustment of its features according to the level of experience of eachparticular trader, all enabling eToro to cater to traders of all levels of experience.

Once in a while, a product comes along and revolutionizes a wholeindustry. This has been the case with the unique eToro forex tradingplatform. Due to i...
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Get an edge in the forex market

Posted by Editor on Sunday, December 7, 2008, In : Forex trading 
Experienced forex trading "Big Hitters" enabling individual investors a hitherto unheard of edge in their trading

Individual forex traders at forex investing group PrivateFXClub have announced links with a 30 years experienced forex trade team who've proven their expertise in London's financial district in careers spanning three decades. The 5 strong team, originally from government and commercial banking corporations based in and around the City of London, are the same group responsible for s...

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