Browsing Archive: January, 2013

Ravenpack introduces a cross-over strategy in the FX market

Posted by Editor on Sunday, January 13, 2013, In : Forex trading 
Ravenpack ntroduces a cross-over strategy in the FX market that trades based on short to long term news sentiment inflection points. These inflection points are captured by consulting a set of sentiment indexes that measure the trailing sentiment on both scheduled and unscheduled economic and geopolitical news events. The sentiment index is proven to predict intraday price moves in the EURUSD for up to few hours after an inflection point.

The RavenPack U.S. Sentiment Index is based on RavenPac...
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How to lose money trading forex

Posted by Editor on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, In : Forex trading 
How to lose money consistently trading forex, ie what not to do.

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